TCW VIII: Big Balls

December 31, 2024


The Takeaway: Big Balls gives us a shocking title change, big injuries, attempted vehicular homicide, and Ted DiBiase fighting overwhelming odds ... to try to regain his team!

Pre-Show: Footage was shown from earlier in the day when wrestlers were arriving, as a car came screaming through the lot and clipped The Destroyer, sending him tumbling to the ground. Randy Savage and ... The Destroyer ... ran over and checked on him, taking off the mask of the victim to reveal it was Brian Posehn dreseed up in yet another disguise. This time, it spared his men from potential damage from the unknown vehicular assailant.

Johnny Valentine vs. "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers
Johnny Valentine defeated Buddy Rogers via pinfall (ATOMIC SKULLCRUSHER) at 15:47. ***1/2

The duo put on an incredible match to get the crowd going at the start of the show. The finish saw an unforgettable display of chain wrestling as each man reversed out of multiple holds before Valentine finally caught Rogers off the ropes flush with an ATOMIC SKULLCRUSHER, knocking him cold for the pinfall.

James Snuka vs. Magnum T.A.
James Snuka defeated Magnum T.A. via countout (SUPERFLY LEAP to the floor) at 12:10. ***

This duo put on another clinic tonight, trading offense all throughout the match. At the end of a lengthy brawl outside the ring, Snuka flattened Magnum with a thrust kick, then scrambled up top and hit the SUPERFLY LEAP on his downed opponent on the floor. Snuka was able to get back in the ring just under the ten count, leading to the countout victory.

The Machines vs. The Original Midnight Express
Greg Valentine defeated Randy Rose via disqualification (outside interference) at 2:15. DUD

The match didn't really get off the ground before Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane ran in and started attacking ... The Machines. The ref tried to restore order, but he was quickly left with no choice but to disqualify the Original Midnights for outside interference, whether they wanted it or not.

Post-Match: After the DQ, the Original Midnights were furious and a huge brawl broke out. Eventually, security swarmed the ring as TCW Head of Security Anna Jay barked out orders and took control of the situation, getting all three of the teams separated and to the back.

Tully Blanchard vs. Angelo Poffo
Tully Blanchard defeated Angelo Poffo via disqualification (low blow) at 7:17. *

Poffo got in a surprising amount of offense, but Blanchard eventually took over, dropping Poffo with a piledriver and sending him rolling out of the ring for a breather. Blanchard pursued him, and Poffo greeted him with a kick to the groin for the disqualification.

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Diamond Dallas Page defeated Rob Van Dam via pinfall (DIAMOND CUTTER) at 5:06. **

It was a statement win for DDP, who controlled the action en route to a discus punch and DIAMOND CUTTER finish.

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Boris Zhukov
Nikolai Volkoff defeated Boris Zhukov via ref stoppage (Russian Bear Hug) at 10:13. **1/4

Volkoff systematically worked over Zhukov's back throughout the match, slowly dismantling his old teammate. Zhukov held out for as long as he could and never submitted, but ultimately succumbed to Volkoff's bear hug after staying in it for more than a minute in full.

The Blackjacks vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage and The Destroyer
Barry Windham defeated The Destroyer via pinfall (SWEETWATER SUPERPLEX) at 10:45. ***

The two all-star tag teams were quite evenly matched, and this one could have gone either way. Windham had been leveled by a Bombs Away from The Destroyer, who then went up to the top rope for a big splash. Blackjack Mulligan distracted him, and the ref had to get involved. When he did, Windham took advantage of the distraction to crotch The Destroyer on the top turnbuckle and then hit the SWEETWATER SUPERPLEX for the win.

Points in Play

Ted DiBiase vs. Pampero Firpo
Pampero Firpo defeated Ted DiBiase via disqualifcation (chair shot) at 4:34. *
Order of the British Empire scored one point.

Firpo dominated from the opening bell, fighting like a wildman. DiBiase, knowing that he had two more matches to come, took the short way out of this one, whacking Firpo for the DQ loss to save his energy.

Ted DiBiase vs. Curt Hennig
Curt Hennig defeated Ted DiBiase via pinfall (HENNIG PLEX) at 18:37. ****
The Mavericks of Wrestling scored one point.

The two generational prodigies put on a clinic in the ring, but DiBiase being down from the match against Firpo gave Hennig the edge in the second match of the series.

Pre-Match: To the shock of the arena, Harley Race himself came to the ring for the final challenge, accompanied by Ivan Koloff. As he entered, he took a mic and addressed DiBiase. "Ted, I know you're tired. But I also know you want 'your team' back. So here's what I'll do: I'll bet you. If you beat me, you get the whole team back under your exclusive control. No questions, no resistance, no arguments." Ted laughs and nods eagerly. But Race isn't done. "But if I win...I get your millions. Every cent of it. What do you say?"

DiBiase hems and haws for a bit...but ultimately agrees. And as soon as he does, Koloff charges across the ring with a RUSSIAN SICKLE and takes DiBiase's head off. With DiBiase down, the bell rang, and Race moved in for the kill.

Ted DiBiase vs. "King" Harley Race
Harley Race defeated Ted DiBiase via pinfall (PILEDRIVER) at 2:24. *1/4
The Million Dollar Team scored one point.

With the fights DiBiase had already been through and Koloff's vicious RUSSIAN SICKLE, winning this match was academic for Race.


Andre the Giant vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams
Andre the Giant defeated Steve Williams via pinfall (headbutt) at 7:54. ***1/4
The Million Dollar Team scored three points.

Doc put up a great fight, even getting a quick pinfall attempt after a massive shoulder tackle, but the big man was once again able to overwhelm his opponent. Williams kept kicking out from Andre's devastating moves, though, until a headbutt finally kept him down.

TCW US Tag Team Championship Match

The Rock and Roll Express (C) vs. Vanity (#2)
Exotic Adrian Street defeated Robert Gibson via pinfall (CRUCIFIX) at 2:42. *
Vanity won the TCW US Tag Team Championship.
Natural Selection scored two points.

In the shock of the night, Vanity dethroned the Rock and Roll Express. Ricky and Robert controlled from the opening bell, but during a brawl outside, Street ducked and caused them both to hit one another with dropkicks. He slid Gibson back into the ring and nailed a CRUCIFIX to catch the flash pin and claim the belts for Natural Selection!

TCW US Heavyweight Championship Match

Bobo Brazil (C) vs. Bruiser Brody (#2)
Bruiser Brody defeated Bobo Brazil via pinfall (JUMPING KNEE DROP) at 8:14. ***1/4
Bruiser Brody won the TCW US Heavyweight Championship.
Natural Selection scored two points.

Brody and Bobo both put up quite a fight, with Bobo no-selling an early JUMPING KNEE DROP and then following up with three straight COCO BUTTS, but Brody kicked out of each one. After a massive brawl outside of the ring late in the match that nearly led to a double disqualification, Brody was able to hit his finisher again twice, with the second finally keeping Bobo down and claiming the belt for Natural Selection.

Post-Match: Bobo Brazil was assisted to the back by medical staff after taking Brody's devastating finisher three times in the match, clearly nursing an injury.

TCW Tag Team Championship Match

The Road Warriors (C) vs. The Valiant Brothers (#1)
Hawk defeated Jimmy Valiant via pinfall (gut wrench suplex) at 7:14. **1/2
Chicago Winners scored two points.

The Valiants started off hot, but interference from Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant at ringside gave the Road Warriors the opportunity they needed to take over. They never looked back, with Hawk hitting a series of gut wrench suplexes on Jimmy to get the pinfall victory.

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match - Two out of Three Falls

Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy (C) vs. "The God of Wrestling" Lou Thesz (#1)
Terry Gordy defeated Lou Thesz via disqualification (no rope break) at 6:33.
Terry Gordy defeated Lou Thesz via pinfall (flying clothesline) at 18:40. ***
The Million Dollar Team scored two points.

The first fall was going Thesz's way, but Gordy refused to stay down from anything that was thrown at him. This caused uncharacteristic frustration in Thesz, who refused to answer the referee's call for a break and was disqualified. Gordy took advantage of Thesz's frustration in the second fall, overwhelming him with big power moves and finally keeping Thesz down after all of a POWER BOMB, a BAMM BAMM SLAM, and a flying clothesline to defend his title in convincing fashion.

Post-Match: Thesz called over the medical teams after the match to get attention, pointing to his neck as they spoke. He was able to walk back under his own power, but clearly wasn't feeling great.

Previous: Announced Matches for TCW VIII: Big BallsNext: Announced Matches for TCW IX: Welcome to the Jungle


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