Won: TCW VII: The Man Comes Around
Defenses: 4
Won: TCW II: It Takes Two (Night Three)
Defenses: 9
#1. The Destroyer (-)
#2. Barry Windham (+3)
#3. Bruiser Brody (+3)
#4. Diamond Dallas Page (+4)
#5. Curt Hennig (+4)
#6. Randy Savage (-3)
#7. Buddy Rogers (-3)
#8. Magnum T.A. (+2)
#9. Lou Thesz (NR)
#10. Johnny Saint (NR)
#1. The Midnight Express (+5)
#2. The Rat Pack (NR)
#3. The Rock and Roll Express (-)
#4. The Machines (-3)
#5. Hennig and Bockwinkel (NR)
#6. The Alpha Males (NR)
#7. The King's Guard (NR)
#8. The Fantastics (NR)
#9. Zbyszko and Magnum T.A. (NR)
#10. Lynn and Regal (NR)
©2025 Larry Swank, unless someone else owns it. Then it's theirs, obviously.
Suffer, suffer
Me don't get no rougher