Announced Matches for TCW IX: Welcome to the Jungle

January 5, 2025


Commissioner Dragon says: I'm glad to see that Randy's getting another shot at the title. He had a tough break with that injury to start ... what do you mean the other Poffo? He's won exactly zero singles matches. LEVA!


Andre the Giant vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

TCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy (C) vs. Angelo Poffo (NR)

TCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Road Warriors (C) vs. DDP and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (#7)

TCW US Heavyweight Championship Match

Bruiser Brody (C) vs. The Destroyer (#3)

US Tag Team Championship Match

Vanity (C) vs. The Machines (#2)

One-Night Tournament

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams vs. Curt Hennig

Lenny Lane vs. Rob Van Dam

Pampero Firpo vs. Tully Blanchard

"The King" Harley Race vs. "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers

No Disqualification Match

Boris Zhukov vs. Magnum T.A.

Other Matches

The Blackjacks vs. Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Ron Hutchison vs. Sam Houston

Previous: TCW VIII: Big BallsNext: TCW IX: Welcome to the Jungle


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