August 19, 2024
The Takeaway: The Road Warriors needed less than seventeen minutes over four matches en route to winning the TCW World Tag Team Championship belts. Meanwhile, the Rock and Roll Express redeemed their earlier loss to DiBiase and Williams to claim the US straps, leaving the Million Dollar Man shut out of the title scene.
Pre-Show: Footage was shown from earlier today of the Valiant Brothers taking out The Midnight Express with chairs backstage, then high-fiving over their downed bodies. Both Luscious Johnny and the Boogie Woogie Man had big fistfuls of cash that they started counting as they walked off.
The Midnight Express vs. The Machines
Bobby Eaton defeated Brutus Beefcake via pinfall (FLAPJACK) at 18:39. ****1/2
It was a great showing for both teams, with the Midnight Express demonstrating their mastery of the craft and the Machines showing incredible toughness, with both men kicking out of multiple finishers from their opponent. The Midnights' ability to isolate their opponent was the Machines' undoing, though, with Beefcake unable to get a much needed tag before falling to a FLAPJACK.
Backstage: As the Midnight Express came through the curtain, they each grabbed a chair from the nearby stack and dashed towards catering. The Valiants were laughing over big plates full of food, when Eaton came up and cracked Johnny in the back of the head with the chair. Security immediately swarmed to keep it from getting worse, but the damage was done.
The Rock and Roll Express vs. Vanity
Ricky Morton defeated Exotic Adrian Street via pinfall (flying sunset flip) at 8:18. *
It was a simple affair for the Rock and Roll express, who took advantage of Vanity's relative inexperience with quick tags en route to an easy win.
The Road Warriors vs. Diamond Dallas Page and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
Hawk defeated Diamond Dallas Page via pinfall (DOOMSDAY DEVICE) at 5:14. **
It looked like Road Warriors were going to fall prey to a quick Diamond Cutter, but Animal managed to kick out just before the three. After that, the power of the Road Warriors kicked in, and they kept page down after a big piledriver from Animal and the most feared finisher in wrestling, the DOOMSDAY DEVICE.
The Valiant Brothers vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
Ted DiBiase defeated Jimmy Valiant via submission (COBRA CLUTCH) at 18:40. ****
The Valiants showed their savvy by isolating DiBiase and doing their best to limit the damage that Doc could cause. Slick tried to contribute on the outside to that venture, but Cornette would have none of it, eventually chasing him back to the ringside with his tennis racket flailing in the air. The Million Dollar Man proved formidable in his own right, however, despite the Valiants' skilled tag work. After surviving more than fourteen minutes of punishment and isolation, he caught Jimmy with a big power slam and locked in the COBRA CLUTCH to get the submission.
The Midnight Express vs. Diamond Dallas Page and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
Stan Lane defeated Jim Duggan via pinfall (RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP) at 2:49. 3/4*
It was another quick match for the Midnights, who made three tags in less than three minutes en route to a surprisingly dominant victory.
The Rock and Roll Express vs. The Valiant Brothers
Robert Gibson defeated Johnny Valiant via pinfall (DOUBLE DROPKICK) at 2:08. *
The Valiants' ... valiant ... run in the tournament came to a screeching halt, as the Rock and Roll Express were determined not to be outdone by the Midnight Express' performance in the previous match.
The Midnight Express vs. The Rock and Roll Express
Ricky Morton defeated Stan Lane via pinfall (CROSS BODY BLOCK) at 4:47. 1/4*
It was another short, dominant match for the Rock and Roll Express, who took a third straight match on the evening without even having their shoulders on the mat once.
The Road Warriors vs "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
Animal defeated Ted DiBiase via pinfall (roll up) at 5:38. *3/4
The Road Warriors won the TCW World Tag Team Championship
A fresh Dr. Death squared off against Hawk to start off the night, and actually got the upper hand quickly, getting a near fall after a big lariat. After Hawk kicked out, though, the lights went out and the crowd buzzed. Chaos reigned in the ring for more than thirty seconds until the lights came up to find Steve Williams out on the mat. Backing up the ramp, each with four fingers in the air, were Barry Windham, Tully Blanchard, Curt Hennig, and Jeff Jarrett, who had the remnants of a shattered guitar in his hands.
The chaos was enough for Doc to shake off the cobwebs of the apparent guitar shot and tag in DiBiase, who fought off the Road Warriors bravely in what was basically a handicap match. He had Animal in trouble, but he charged the powerhouse after a whip to the buckle, only for Animal to dodge and then roll up DiBiase for the quick win and to complete what many considered their inevitable coronation as the initial TCW World Tag Team Champions.
The Rock and Roll Express vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
Ricky Morton defeated Steve Williams via pinfall (DOUBLE DROPKICK) at 9:28. *3/4
The Rock and Roll Express won the TCW US Tag Team Championship
Dr. Death asserted himself early, having recovered from the guitar shot, and nearly ended it with a massive lariat that almost decapitated Ricky Morton. The tables turned in an instant on the outside, though, when Robert distracted Doc long enough for Ricky to hit a missile dropkick from the top turnbuckle! They rolled Williams back in, made the quick tag, and hit the DOUBLE DROPKICK as the fans erupted. DiBiase came in for the save, but Gibson cut him off with one last dropkick for the evening as the ref counted the three.
©2025 Larry Swank, unless someone else owns it. Then it's theirs, obviously.
Time is never time at all