August 20, 2024
Commissioner Dragon says: "If anybody's going to hold his own against Andre, it's Rogers. I've got a lot of respect for him. Beneath all of that flamboyance is one of the best grapplers on the planet. I think the act is just to throw people off their game."
"The Wild Bull of the Pampas" Pampero Firpo (C) vs. Bruiser Brody (#2)
The Road Warriors (C) vs. The Valiant Brothers (#3)
Barry Windham (C) vs. The Destroyer (#4)
The Rock and Roll Express (C) vs. Vanity (#6)
Andre the Giant vs. "The Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers
Natural Selection (The Midnight Express and James Snuka) vs. The Mavericks of Wrestling (The Original Midnight Express and Terry Gordy)
Order of the British Empire (Chaz, Scott, and Tugboat Taylor) vs. Macho Machines (Angelo Poffo, Diamond Dallas Page, and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan)
Wasteland (Rob Van Dam, Blackjack Mulligan, and Magnum T.A.) vs. The Million Dollar Team ("Dr. Death" Steve Williams, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, and Ivan Koloff)
... with a three-point Battle Royal to follow!
Curt Hennig vs. Harley Race
Lou Thesz vs. Bobo Brazil
Dave Taylor vs. Lenny Lane
©2025 Larry Swank, unless someone else owns it. Then it's theirs, obviously.
I think you're smart, you sweet thing