Site Update for December 2024

December 18, 2024


"Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'"

Mark Twain

It's not a big update for today, because most of what I'm working on is still very much behind the scenes. I did want to port over some of my older work while I had time tonight, however. First on the list is my 7th Sea Dice Statistics script, which gives you a statistical spread for a given set of rolls in 7th Sea. The second is a script that displays in stark reality the eldritch horror of the Monty Hall paradox.

For real, if I ever lose my mind, it'll be the Monty Hall paradox that causes it. I shouldn't be able to change mathematical odds by ejecting someone from the building and replacing them with a backup from an isolation chamber, but I totally can. Stupid Monty Hall paradox.

Previous: Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated


©2024 Larry Swank, unless someone else owns it. Then it's theirs, obviously.

Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?